Web Scraping vs. Data Collection

November 04, 2021

Web Scraping vs Data Collection - A Comprehensive Comparison

Data is the new oil and every business is aiming to collect as much data as possible to fuel their growth potential. But with limitations in budgets, time and skills, it becomes crucial to choose the right method for data acquisition. Web scraping and data collection are two of the most popular approaches to do so, but which one is the best?

In this blog post, we will take an unbiased look at both methods, compare them based on their features, use cases, and highlight major factors influencing their preference.

Web Scraping: Definition and Features

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites using automated tools or software. It involves identifying the target data elements within the HTML structure of the web pages and retrieving them for storage and analysis. It is widely applicable in diverse industries and domains where data from websites is crucial.

The following are the features and characteristics that distinguish web scraping:

  • It is an automated process that doesn't require manual intervention
  • It involves scripts or bots that crawl through web pages to extract data
  • It requires programming knowledge and web development expertise
  • It is useful in extracting real-time data from websites
  • It is widely applicable in diverse industries and domains where data from websites is crucial

Data Collection: Definition and Features

Data collection is the process of gathering relevant data from various sources and storing it for analysis. This method involves manual data entry, using forms, or any other method of acquiring data. It is a widely used method for data acquisition, especially when the source data is not available in the required format.

The following are the features and characteristics that distinguish data collection:

  • It is a manual process that requires human intervention
  • It involves systematic collection of data from various sources
  • It does not require programming knowledge or web development expertise
  • It is less prone to errors than web scraping
  • It is useful in acquiring data that is not available on websites

Web Scraping vs Data Collection: Comparison Based on Features

Features Web Scraping Data Collection
Automation Automated process that doesn’t need manual intervention Manual process that requires human intervention
Programming Knowledge Requires Programming knowledge and web development expertise Do not require programming knowledge or web development expertise
Error Rates Prone to errors such as missing data and incorrect impute Less prone to errors compared to web scraping
Relevance Widely applicable in diverse industries and domains where data is crucial Restricted to acquiring data available
Real-time data Useful in extracting real-time data from websites Less efficient in acquiring real-time data from the website

Web Scraping vs Data Collection: When To Use Each

When To Use Web Scraping Data Collection
Data Formats Extracting data from websites Collecting data not available in required format
Real-Time Data Real-time data acquisition Acquiring data that's not time-sensitive
Accuracy Data accuracy a big factor Human intervention ensures higher accuracy
Cost Affordable and Scalable for big websites Affordable for small datasets but can be expensive for big websites


Web scraping and data collection are both useful methods for acquiring data, but choosing the right method comes down to the nature of the data, preferred accuracy, cost, and expertise. Data collection is an excellent method for acquiring data that is not available in the required format, while web scraping is the preferred method for acquiring real-time data from websites. As an unbiased comparison, we leave it to you to choose the perfect method for your business needs.


  1. Chakraborty, D. (2021). A Comprehensive Guide to Web Scraping for Data Analytics. Link
  2. Vemulapalli, S. (2021). Data Collection Methods: Which One is the Best? Link

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